Monday, April 12, 2010 , 6:25 AM

job interview went well today! :) thanks christina for accompanying me theree :DD hope i can get it though, keeping my fingers crossed :P being part of the unemployed really sucks, there's nothing to do except staying at home all day long stagnating :( i think i'm really a workaholic heh. but i'll only work at jobs that i like. i think i'm somebody who likes jobs that involve alot of interaction with different types of ppl, idk. somehow office jobs turn me off, even though i haven't tried working at one before =/ i guess i still haven't found my direction and purpose in life yet, all i wanna do now is have fun =)
really contemplated going back to kbox as part-time server, but ahh i guess i gotta just let go. the best things in life only become memories, and like what many people said, hao2 ma3 bu4 chi1 hui2 tou2 cao3. hahaha i think if i go back there, it would be even harder for me to quit when i enter uni.. :S
sigh. alot of things happened these few days.. i've literally been on an emotional roller coaster. but i'm fine now, and i think i've emerged stronger after this whole experience. we're still good friends, and i'm just glad that i'm able to pull myself up again. don't think you'll ever see this, but actually i wanna thank you for letting me know what love is all about, especially when you held my hands. but i guess we're both from really different worlds, maybe we're not meant to be after all. zuo hui peng you, zhen de hui shu fu xie (: i hope you'll be able to get over her soon, and find your true princess in life x) all the best~